Travel Agents Tour Operators
If you are a travel agent or a wholesaler in any country outside Pakistan we would love to hear from you. We have special rates for travel agents and tour operators. We already work with some of the most reputed names in the travel Industry from UK, USA, Japan China UAE, Italy, Spain, & Norway.
We take very good care of your clients. We will be pleased to put name of your company on our coaches in case of groups and can also represent you in Pakistan in every aspect. We send out our Agents confidential tariff every year to all the travel agents. Please contact us with your agency details so that we can send you this year's tariff and keep you on our agents list for future Fam trip offers and tariff list.
We develop our agents confidential tariff every year and would be pleased to send to you a copy. Our Tariff Includes Information about Pakistan, necessary travel map transfers and tour rates all over Pakistan and hotel rates.
Please fill in the form here to contact us for confidential agents tariff and other material
Travel agents in Pakistan for domestic tours, as well as agents and tour-operators worldwide.
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Kaghan Hotels
Pakistan Tours for Chinese
Tours for Tourists from Thailand
Our Other offices
Dubai Travel & Culture Offerring Tours, Desert Safaris and hotels in Dubai
Sri-Lanka Tours Our Colombo office operating tours in Sri Lanka
Qatar Travel & Culture Tours and travel information about Qatar
Malaysia Travel & Culture Tours and hotels in Malaysia
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