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Frequently asked questions about Pakistan

Where is Pakistan

Pakistan is located at the latitude of 23° - 27° North and 61° - 76° east in the Northern Hemisphere. Its occupies an area of 796095 Square KMs or 31043 Square Miles. It shares a long border with India in the east, In the south there is the Arabian sea , the South west is bordered with Iran , North west with Afghanistan & North east shares a high altitude border with China

Is it safe to go to Pakistan

Yes larger portion of Pakistan is SAFE. Pakistan is only been so badly advertised by media that people think it is so unsafe but in fact it is as safe as your home town. There is absolutely no danger No purse snatching No street violence or any other odd in this country.

What areas of Pakistan are safe to travel (Updated April 2012)

You can safely visit Karachi, Thatta Hyderabad, Sukkur Moen Jo Dar Cholistan, Multan, Lahore, Rawalpindi Islamabad, Swat valley, Besham, Taxila, Hunza Skardu, and Karakorum Hiighway.

What will be impact of Elections in Pakistan

Elections although much talked about media, will hopefully run smoothly and transition may see some basic issues and we are confident that Pakistan will go thru this historic election period without any problem, If you are traveling to Pakistan during 1st May to 15th May you just need to follow the local newspaper for any closure of offices etc otherwise your travel will be normal.

Unrest in Gilgit

Things in Gigit have become 100% normal. Tourists can travel here with no concerns whats so ever.

If Pakistan is so safe how do you explain US state department travel advisory.

It is a known fact that US travel advisories are usually written by those who have never visited the country themselves. They seem to mix Afghanistan with Pakistan. They repeat the same thing again. One major reason why travel advisory is so much against travel to Pakistan is that our governments which have been changing very fast in the past had no time to explain the situation. The present Government is doing a little bit about this and we have already seen improvement in travel advisories by the British Government.

What about women can they travel to Pakistan

Off course! Pakistan is a Muslim country women are given equal right of a man in Islam. There is no problem for women to travel to Pakistan, however a modest dress like a T shirt jeans long skirt is recommended. Shorts should be avoided in the bazaars and cities. Half sleeves shirts are OK

What about men can they wear shorts

It is the same as for women it is recommended that short are not worn in busy areas of cities.

What about the roads in Pakistan.

The roads in Pakistan are all well paved and are malted. Roads like Karakorum highway are also very well done. One has to be prepared for a little less controlled traffic though. We have a variety of traffic on the roads including animal carts small trishaws known as Rickshaws colorful buses and cars 

Can one drive on Pakistani roads

If you have an International driving license you can drive in Pakistan, but you have to understand that traffic rules are not followed as well as in the western countries. You have got to be a very good driver. Many people bring their vehicles from Europe and drive through Pakistan into China with out any problems.

Do I need to learn the local language (Urdu)

English is pretty much understood in Pakistan. You will always find people speaking English. Most of the sign boards are also in English. Except some words it is not mandatory to learn local language before you come to Pakistan.

If you have any other questions please drop us a line



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