Travel Guide to Pakistan
Complete authentic guide to different cities of Pakistan. Written by a tourist guide having experienced of 32 years in Pakistan. This site is being updated since 1997 last update April 2024

Welcome to the fabulous Pakistan!
Pakistan is situated in the west of India and china while Iran and Afghanistan share their border with Pakistan on western side. Pakistan although a very peaceful and very friendly nation has been very badly hit by the notorious war on terrorism by the countries who always envied the landscape and blessing of the country. The local media the war on terror leaders have now destroyed peace and tranquility of some areas of Pakistan's in a game that no one understands. This game is not an old one similar games (Gilgit Game, Great game) were played on this soil many years ago by similar powers.
This land Pakistan (The pure Land) be it called Pakistan or be it (Sindu Sapta the real India ) has probably been the most sought after land in the history. From the King Darius of Persia, the Alexander of Macedonia and numerous others have marched here in quest of this land. There has been lot of culture changes in this soil.
Today India boasts to be "India of the past" while it was known as Deserta Incognita (Un Known Desert) in the past. Pakistan is the real old India that world should come to see. This is where Moen Jo Daro of Indus civilization is, This is where the mighty river Indus runs, This here where Buddhism was developed, this is where Sanskrit was born, and this is where the the Alexander came.
The spectacular views of the mountains the green planes, colorful deserts and the mighty Indus river are just a few things that this country has been blessed with. We are also blessed with the oldest history of the world. When we look at the civilizations like Egypt, Mesopotamia and others our Indus civilizations looks way too far well developed and well planned. We are the first urban civilization where city planning existed. We are the people who had binary system of the weights and the most accurate one 5000 yes five thousand years ago.
Today people talk of taxes and hygiene and organic food and saving nature we have had these ideas in 2500 BC we had a tax system democracy and even a system which was most eco friendly and well aware of the nature and was protecting it.
Pakistan is a paradise and no super power can destroy it. We are facing a time when people are talking all sorts of ill things about us but its only us who see that Pakistan still stands out and boasts to be the most beautiful and most wonderful country in the world.
Today some countries are building largest shopping malls, tallest towers and what not they destroy nature and produce ugly structures which do nothing but hurt our earth can those countries build mountains like K2 can they bring about a river as mighty and as legendry as river Indus.
This is an open invitation to every one come visit Pakistan, please; don't listen to media, don't listen to advisories, this country is full of friendly folks, flora and fauna. Nature smiles here and sun pays its first homage here in Pakistan.
This site contains information & guide to every city of Pakistan.
Pakistan Profile (Basic information about Pakistan
Population, GDP Geography etc.)
Flag of Pakistan, Map of Pakistan
Maps of Pakistan
History of Pakistan (Chronological history of Pakistan)
Archeology of Pakistan
Old Punjab Images
Museums in Pakistan
Provinces (Information about the culture of each
Distances between major cities of Pakistan
Weather information
Airports of Pakistan.
Land communication (Railroads & Highways)
Gardens in Pakistan
Mountains of Pakistan
Pakistan Currency Notes
Hotels In Pakistan.
Custom Rules in Pakistan
Baggage Rules
Import of personal vehicles
Punjabi Sufi Poetry
Sindhi Sufi Poetry
Music Of Pakistan
List of Political Parties in Pakistan
Travel Advisory For
Is It Safe To Travel In
Urdu phrases for Tourists
Indus River | Peshawar Museum | National Monuments in Pakistan | Public Holidays in Pakistan
Pakistan Sports
Cricket in Pakistan, Shandur Polo
Articles About Pakistan.
Khyber pass.
Bird watching in Kohistan
Lal Shahbaz Qalandar
Baba Bullehshah The Sufi Saint
Fairy Meadows
Khirthar National Park
Khar National Part
Hal Bevan Petman Paintings from Pakistan
at Mohata Palace Museum
Paintings at Sindhology Museum
Philetaly in Pakistan
Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
And Pakistan Postage Stamps
Philetelic Litrature in

Malgudi Days A Series of Plays filmed in India but depicts the life not different from South of Pakistan
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