An On-line Index of
Computer is by far the greatest invention in human history. The idea of a
global village, which once was the dream of Sociologists, Anthropologists and
Philosophers, has now become reality. Information Technology (IT) is the order
of the day with the advent of the new millennium. It has now become imperative
to keep pace with its swift movement. Its influence on our lives is bright as
the sun. No doubt that, after the invention of wheel, computer is the second
greatest invention that revolutionized the history of the world. With
launching of this On-line Index of
Pastern Library Bulletin through
the Web Site we are ushered into a new era of myriad possibilities.
Library periodicals are the basic vehicle of communication for writers and
researchers in the fiedld. They play an effective role in promotion and
development of library profession. The history of periodical library literature
in Pakistan goes back to December 1949, when the periodical Modern
Librarian was revived in a new
series from Lahore but it did not survive after two issues. Pakistan
Library Review, an other library journal came out in March 1958, was
recontinued in 1968 but just after four issues it was also closed down. An other
periodical PLA Journal was
started in July 1960. After several gaps it restarted in 1987, but after 1997 it
was also closed down. The Pakistani
Librarianwas first issued from the Department of Library and information
Sciecne, University of Punjab in 1995 and now is publishing under the title Pakistan
Journal of Library and Inforamtion Science. Some other journals and
newsletters were publihsed from time to time but have since gone into oblivion.
Pakistan Library Bulletin,
the quarterly journal in the field of library and information science is being
published regularly since 1968. It was started with a noble objective under the
editorship of Dr. Ghaniul Akram Sabzwari. The scope of this journal is
international and has been serving the profession sincerely for the last 35
years. It publishes articles not only of Pakistani authors but welcomes
distinguished foreign experts of Library and Information Science also to
contribute in it.
The history of compilation of bibliography and index in Pakistan dates back
to 1949. An eminent bibliographer Mr. A. R. Ghani made the first individual
attempt. He compiled a comprehensive bibliography entitled "Pakistan: a
select bibliography". The Pakistan Bibliographical Working Group (PBWG)
emerged in May 1950 on the recommendation of the International Conference on the
Improvement of Bibliographical Sources, convened by the UNESCO in 1950 held at
Paris. In fact the Group has the distinction of being the first professional
organization to be formed at the national level, with the support of the UNESCO
and on the enforcement of the Government of Pakistan. The Group has a number of
important bibliographies and indexes to its credit. The most significant
contribution of the Group in the development and promotion of bibliographical
activities in the country is the compilation of "Retrospective National
Bibliography of Pakistan" covering the period from 1947 to 1961.
Indexing of periodical articles is a very painstaking job. Commercially
these types of publications are not profitable. An attempt has been made by the
individuals in compilation of indexes and bibliographical sources. These
authors have compiled various bibliographies and indexes. Periodical
Literature in Library and Information Science: an Index of 50 years' work in
Pakistan (1947-1997) is the first
on-line publication of library and information science from Pakistan. The Web
version of this publication is available at Mahmood Khalid
The PLB is the only indexed and peer reviewed journal from Pakistan. It is
indexed in Library Literature and Reader's
Guide to Periodical Literature. It is abstracted in Library
Literature and Information Science Abstracts (LISA)and American
History and Life. It is listed in Ulrich's
International Periodical Directory and
its full publication data is included in Guide
to Publishing Opportunities for Libraries (1995)
by Schroeder and Roberson, published by the Haworth Press, New York. It has been
regular and timely for the past 34 years.
There are many subjects on which articles and editorials have been
contributed during the last 33 years. In 33 volumes, comprising 82 issues, 576
articles including 82 editorials were published by 225 different authors, 180
from Pakistan and 45 from abroad. On the average about 7 articles per issue and
18 articles per year were carried.
The PLB is basically a Pakistani journal, the maximum number of
contributors were naturally from within the country. The contributors hail from
Asia, Europe, Africa and North America including Canada, in that order.
Overwhelming majority of authors evidently are from Asia (90%). This followed by
North America including Canada (5.50%), Africa (2.56%) and then Europe (1.18%).
There are none from Australia and New Zealand. All over the world men are
dominating in every field of life and activity. This domination is much more
pronounced in a developing society. The study indicated that in this journal men
wrote more articles than women. The female contributions were only (10%) whereas
male contributions were (90%).
The study showed that most of the articles 435 (75.52%) were written in
English. 141 (24.47%) articles were published in Urdu and only 4 (0.69%)
articles were in Bengali language. The Bengali section was discontinued after
creation of Bangladesh in 1971.
During the span of 34 years (1968 - 2002) 82 issues carried different
editorials. PLB editorials are thematic or expression of a particular viewpoint
and not brief introduction to the contributed articles in an issue. These
editorials are often a review of some aspect of library service and practice.
The study showed that Usmani (Chief Editor from 1977 to December 2000) wrote a
total of 32 editorials out of 82. Dr. Ghaniul Akram Sabzwari, who was the
founder and first Chief Editor, (Chief Editor September 1968 to 1975 and
January 2001 to-date) contributed 26. Late Prof. Akhtar Hanif, (Editor English
Section 1979-1995) contributed 12 editorials. Moinuddin Khan (Editor English
Section from July 1995 -to-date) contributed 8 editorials. R. A. Samdani, the
Managing Editor from Volume 9, 1978 to to-date contributed 3 editorials and
Prof. Dr. Syed Jalaluddin Haider former Chairman, Department of Library and
Information Science, University of Karachi wrote one editorial.
The analysis reveals that mamimum number of articles have been written on
academic libraries and librarianship, and this is attributed to teachers of
various Departments of Library and Information Science in the country. This is
followed by Information Technology, Bibliographical Control, Public Libraries,
Biographies of Librarians of the country and Library Education.
This is a subject and author index. Entries are arranged in one alphabetical
order according to the Library of Congress Filing Rules. Under author and
subject the titles of the articles are arranged alphabetically by the first word
of the title. Subject Headings are established in accordance with Library
Literature with some changes to
suit the national requirements. Bibliographic entries are on the pattern of Anglo
American Cataloguing Rules-2, 1988 edition, as well as IFLA's
Recommendations for adoption of International Standard Bibliographic Description
(ISBD) and IFLA's publication entitled Name
of Person; national usage for entry in Cataloguing.
Complete title of the articles with sub-title (if any) is entered. Language
is indicated in parenthesis e.g. (Urdu). Volume and issue number are mentioned
as 33 (1-2). Date of publication of the issue mentioned as "September - December
2002". Page numbers are indicated in Arabic numerals as they appear in the
issue. In case of editorial, title of the editorial is mentioned and in the
bracket (Editorial) is written, e.g. Thinkers and Libraries (Editorial). Word 'About'
indicates that the article mentioned after this word is related and written
about the author whose entries are given above this word e.g.
Library System in Pakistan. (Urdu). Pakistan Library
Bulletin, 7 (3-4): 50-57, Mar.-June 1975.
Sabzwari, Ghaniul Akram. Hakim Saeed: Great Man in History.
Pakistan Library Bulletin. 31 (1-2):1-8, March-June 2000.
Samdani, Rais Ahmed. Hakim Muhammad Saeed: at a Glance.
Pakistan Library Bulletin. 31 (1-2):7-30, March-June 2000.
Before concluding we wish to pay our humble tributes to our
Patron, Mr. M.Adil Usmani, Chief Editor, Dr. G. A. Sabzwari, Dy. Chief Editor,
Prof. Dr. Nasim Fatima and other members of the Editorial Board for their
patronage, guidance and help.
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