Jinnah Mausoleum Museum Karachi
Jinnah museum is located in the Mausoleum of the founder of Nation Quaid E Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah here are pictures of some of the objects in Jinnah museum, also known as Nawadrat or relics of Jinnah. It is a detailed museum housing different artifact under founder of nation's use and many pictures depicting his life. Here are some pictures of the museum (With kind permission of the Mausoleum Authorities) To see this museum you can take our Karachi City tour any day
Cadillac Car of Quaid E Azam
Pakkard Car of Quaid E Azam presented by Nawab of Bahawalpur
Copies of Quaraan in Jinnah's home
Badges of Indian Muslim League Hyderabad Daccan
Earliest Bank notes of Pakistan
Set of Coins Presented to Quaid E Azam in April 1948
Jinnah's eading glasses
Jinnah reading a book
innah taking oath
Sister of Quaid E Azam Sheeren Bai
Quaid E Azam's Wife Ratan Bai married in 1918
Daughter of Quaid E Azam Veena Jinnah later known as Veena Wadia
Sofa Sets used by Quaid E Azam
Shoerack of Quaid E Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah
A Pair of Black Pump "Gurgabi" (A slipon with Bow) which Quaid E Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah used on several ceremonian occasions, including the oath taking ceremony as Governor General of Pakistan
Quaid E Azam on Sofas
Portrait of Young Jinnah
A photograph of post card which Quaid E Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah sent to his father after gettign the degree of Bar At Law in London it reads " Presented to my Dear Father"
Quaid E Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah Giving Interview to a BBC Journalist
Cutlery set of Quaid E Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah
Quaid E Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah's daughter Veena Vadia, visiting the museum in 2015 just before her demise
Quaid E Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah with his sister Fatima Jinnah
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