Moen Jo Daro Pictures
Moen Jo Daro Travel | Moen Jo Daro Museum
Moen Jo Daro is located at 28 Kilometers distance from Larkana and 410 Kilometers from Karachi. Moen Jo Dao also has an airport where flights from Karachi to Moen Jo Daro operate on 2 days a week.
Here are some Pictures of this most important archeological site of Pakistan which is contemporary to Egypt and Mesopotamia.
The SD Area of Moen Jo Daro usually visited and seen from distance. the Top mud Stupa is the structure from the Buddhist time 2nd to 6th century much later than the actual Moen Jo Daro Indus civilization.
DK Area Well and houses is the rich residential area of moen Jo Daro
A straight street representing the Grid Sysytem of city planning. Moen Jo Daro is undoubtly the first Urban civilization of the world.
The Stupa from Buddhist times DK Area
The Great Bath and State Granery in DK Area
The Great Bath
A Street with a covered drainage.
Seals from Moen Jo Daro with the inscription over 300 characters have been found it was a semi-pictographic language. No one has been able to read it yet
Mother Goddes from Moen Jo Daro
Text & Pictures by Jamal Panhwar Travel & Culture Services
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