Hazrat Mian BukshHazrat Mian Bux Qadri Qalandri was born on 1246 Hijri and 1821 AC, in the village of Kharri Sharief near Mirpur Azad Kashmir. His father's name was Hazrat Mian Shamsuddin. He was 2nd among his 3 brothers. He got his basic education with his his elder brother Bahawal Bux, from Sahwal Sharief. It is said that Mian Bux was always a poetic mind from his childhood. When ever he used to write letter to a friend or family it was always in the form of poetry. His nature was so brisk that he would leve the most well educated behind in writing. In the following verse he mentions this speed. Oh friend Ahmed you got the garden of litrature Mian Saheb has written Tuhafa-e-Meeran, Ghous Azam, Tuhaftul Rsoolia, Qissa Sheikh Safai, Sheereen Farhad, Sassi Punhoon, Mirza Sahiban and Shah Mansoor
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