Learn Urdu in Pakistan
Urdu Phrases
Sindhi Phrases
Punjabi Phrases
Pushto Phrases
Balouchi Phrases
Shine Phrases
Urdu is the Lingua franca of Pakistan. Historically Urdu is
derived from the Turkish world which means a troop or horde. It was a form of
communication used in the Moghul military between 15th to 18th century. Later it
became a full fledged language having mixture of words from all nationalities
which seved the Moghuls.
Now experience Pakistan with home stay with a Urdu speaking family in Pakistan's largest city Karachi. We offer a completer package with all inclussive facilities.
Pakistan visit Visa for 30 Days
30 Days Home-stay in Private/Semi Private room in a friendly Pakistani family house
Private tutor for 2 hours daily 5 days a week
All meals
Internet facility in accommodation
Opportunities to mingle with people and practice Urdu
Completer package cost US$ 1500 per person with accommodation, food and tutor's fees and books
Contact us for booking and available dates.
We also have option for Urdu teachers who also speak Japanese and French besides English
Course Outline
1. Learn Basic Urdu Phrases
2. Learn Urdu Alphabet with phonetics
3. Urdu Gramar and sentance construction
4. Reading Urdu Novels
5. Reading the Urdu newspaper
6. Write in your own words
7. Translation from English to Urdu and Urdu to English
8. Urdu Customary phrases and idioms
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