Makkah Tours
There are several options to do tours in Mecca or Makkah. Here are few places to see.
For all Muslims the holy mosque (The Masjid Ul Haram ) where the Kaaba the house of Allah is built is the most important to see.
Sacred Mosque (al-Masjid al-Haram). The holiest site in Mecca
and Islam. This mosque is built around Kaaba.
Kaaba. At the center of the sacred mosque is this building, said to have been
built by Prophet Abraham himself and his son,Prophet Ishmael. Covered in black
cloth, it is circled seven times by Muslim pilgrims.
In addition to Makkah, sites involving Hajj include
Mina. The site of the symbolic stoning of the Devil.
Muzdalifah The desert where the pilgrims spend the night.
Hill of Arafat and Jabal Rahma. The site of Prophet Muhammad's last sermon.
Jabal Al Noor (lit. The Mountain of Light). While its not part of the Hajj
ritual this is still an important site; since atop this mountain is the famous
Her'aa grotto, where Muslims believe Muhammed first had the Quran revealed to
Jabal Al Thur. This is the cave in which Prophet Muhammed hid in as he made
Hijra to Yathrib (Medina) while being pursued by Meccans who were going to kill
him. According to legend, the cave entrance was blocked by a spider which had
cast a web to cover it.
Masjid e Taneem. This is a mosque which acts as a Miqat (boundary for Umrah) for
people who have already just been in Makkah.
Hudaibiyah. It is situated on the old road connecting old Jeddah to Makkah. It's
currently known as al-Syumaisi. This is the place where the famous 'Hudaibiyah
Treaty' took place between the Muslims from Madinah led by Prophet Muhammed and
the Quraish from Makkah. There is new masjid built next to the ruins of the old
Jannat ul Mualla. This is the cemetary in which companions during the time of
Prophet Muhammed are buried.
Activities to Do in Makkah
Hike the Mountains of Mecca
Visit Ghar Hira,where the first verse of the Quran was revealed to the last of
the prophets,Prophet Mohammed.
Pray and Read Quran at the Kaaba Masjid al Haram.
Shopping in the city is widely available. Bargaining is always an option when
shopping locally.
Visit Mina and the site of Stoning the devil.
Learn. Mecca has a variety of schools and universities
Postal address
Suite #220A Panorama center Office Plaza,
Fatima Jinnah Road. Karachi. PAKISTAN.
Web address
Phone : +92-21-3521-8097 or +92-21-3521-8097 or 0321-2424-778