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The current version number is: 3.040323
This script was created to utilize Amazon.com's Web Services to provide a real-time listing of books or other items on your site that provide links for your visitors to purchase these items from Amazon.com using your affiliate code. This script parses Amazon.com's XML feed to provide search results and bestseller listings in HTML for your visitors.
Easy - put your associate id in the script and your affiliate store is fully stocked and ready to run.
Simple - a single Perl script, that only requires one Perl module that should already be installed on your server.
Cross-platform - versions of this script are known to be running on both Linux/Apache and Windows/IIS.
Flexible - control the operation of the script through how you link to it.
Customizable - change the look and feel of the results through simple HTML template files.
Established - hundreds of web sites are currently running their own Web store with this script.
Multi-lingual - change the language by editing a simple text file. Currently known to be running on sites in German, Spanish, and Estonian.
Multi-national - works with Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, and Amazon.de
Scalable - change a single setting to increase or decrease the cache size to trade between speed and disk space.
Promotional - all of the searches are automatically cross linked throughout the results for suggestive selling. Feature special items you select on every page, either chosen randomly from a list you supply or a specific item. Amazon.com's Chat rooms integrated into the results using your associate id.
Efficient - many users have remarked how this script returns results faster then shopping directly at Amazon. Now it's even faster with cached results that are updated hourly.
Extensive - many ways to list the products you want. Browse all products or list selected products by ASIN. Search by: keyword, and many other advanced methods of searching. Even search for third party products by condition and ASIN or by seller.
Reliable - the script has been programmed to not make any sales if it cannot find an Associate ID. So that we have done our best to ensure that you get credit for every sale.
Safe - no URL input is directly used to access your server. All URL input is sanitized to deter hacking.
I am not a graphic artist, I'm barely a programmer. So don't judge the quality of the program by how ugly my HTML is, look at what Other Sites are doing with my script
If you like this script rate it a 10 at O'Reilly's OSDir.com (if you don't like it tell me how I can improve it)