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Moen Jo Daro in pictures | Moen Jo Daro Travel | Moen Jo Daro Museum

Mohenjo Dari Site Museum

Site museum for
General public
located in Mohenjo Daro,
Moen Jo Daro museum is located about 200 meters away from the main archeological site of Moen Jo Daro. The museum is simple and elegent with very basic facilities but housing some of the most precious artifacts of Pakistan. The staff of the museum s friendly helpful and proud o their heritage.

The pictures were taken with a very basic camera without any flash, as professional cameras are not permitted in the museum

Map showing the ancient cities along the Indus

Artifacts found from Kot DG

Articles from Moen Jo Daro - The Goblets for drinking

Objects of household use

Model of Moen Jo Daro Granery

Objects made of different materials

Articles made of Bronze

Tiny pots

Stones for crushing spices

Alabaster articles

Daily Houseares

Large pots

Pot for childs bath

Pots used for music

King priest and dancing girl (Cast)

Different religious objects




Weights from Moen Jo Daro

Touch stones

Animal figurines made of Terracotta

Chess found from Moen Jo Daro

Jewelry made of Ivory and bone

Bulla Cart from Moen Jo Daro

Text & Pictures by Jamal Panhwar Travel & Culture Services

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