PIA's Karakorums Air SaafriRarely do you experience a phenomenon so unique, so exhilarating, that it leaves you catching your breath at the sheer spectacle and magnitude of natures boundless beauty. One such indisputably rare experience can be had on board PIAs 90 minute Air safari flight to and along the Karakorams. The thrill of viewing some of the worlds tallest mountain peaks, along with some of the picturesque valleys, dales, lakes and glaciers from the comfort of your aeroplane seat is a novel, and at the same time a highly stimulating experience, the memory of which lingers long after the flight is over. Soon after take off from Islamabad, the plane flies directly over the enchanting Northern Areas of Pakistan over the remote and picturesque valleys of Hunza, Gilgit, Swat, Kaghan, Naran and Chitral enabling you to marvel at some of the natures most spectacular sights. As the aircraft, PIAs Boeing 737, is skillfully maneuvered and controlled by some of the airlines specially trained and high-rated pilots, the passengers are treated to a one of a kind experience a sky dance of the Karakoram and Hindu Kush ranges which include some of the highest peaks in the world. You can see the majestic Nanga Parbat (8,125m), the beautiful Rakaposhi (7,788m) and above all, the spectacular K-2 (the second highest peak in the world) towering above all others at 8,611 meters, leaving you simply spellbound. The invincible majesty, the irrevocable beauty, the awesome splendor of one of the natures modest feats the snow capped peaks, in all their glory and grandeur provide one of the most moving and awe-inspiring moments of your life. A close aerial view merely a few kilometers away from the great peaks beside providing some thrills and chills is, undoubtedly, a wonder that motivates you to a better understanding of the lure and charm that has seduced mountaineers to take on the perilous task of conquering these giants of nature, since time immemorial. A close visual, though intangible, contact with the manifestations of nature is a mystical experience that transcends one from the peripheral to the spiritual. A dance with the clouds in a world that seems to exist in its original form; a natural beauty untouched, unscathed and unspoiled is a sight that would, certainly move only the nature lovers but also the most cynical amongst us. Come fly the adventure of a lifetime! |
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