Swat Hotels Information.
Swat valley is known as switzerland of Pakistan. Once it was the most faourite lands for the king Ashoka the great (272BC) he called it Udyana the garden of Ashoka. Swat has rich history of Buddhism. In the present times we had some security issues there the valley was completly closed for tourism during the war with Taliban. However now all valleys and villages of Swat are open to tourists.
Travel & Culture Services organises special tours to Swat for foreigners as well as for Pakistanis. If you wish to book a hotel in Swat we book individual hotels for you at 60% discounted rates. Please feel free to check the rates of different hotels in Swat below.
Hotels in Saidu Sharief and Mingora & Marghazar
Swat Serena Hotel
Swat Serena is a historical hotel which once served the guests of the wali of Swat. This hotel has hosted many celebraties and people of great respect in the past. Pricess diana, Minister, writers and many other noteworthy people have stayed here. The hotel offers lush green gardens an excellent restaurant and a swimming pool. Please click here for rates and reservations
PTDC Motel Saidu Sharief
A charming hotel owned and operated by Pakistan Tourism Development corporation. It is a basic 2 star hotel with 25 rooms
Swat Continental Hotel
Once considered a new hotel in the town of Mingora. It is a land mark for this quaint little town. Its a 2 star hotel that offers good service and rather basic rooms.
A small 2 star hotel located in the heart of Mingora town.
- Hotel White Palace Swat Swat
- PTDC Malam Jabba Ski Resort Swat
- PTDC Motel Miandam Swat
- PTDC Malam Jabba Ski Resort Swat
- PTDC Motel Miandam Swat
- PTDC Motel Kalam Kalam
- Rockcity Resort Swat Swat
Hotels in Miandam
Hotels in Madyan & Bahrain
Hotels in Malam Jaba
Hotels in Kalam
List of all Swat Hotels:
For tours and travel information about Swat please clieck here |
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