Islam Some Articles and events
Islam is the 2nd largest religion of the world and it is said to be the fastest religion in terms of growth. Growth in number of population of Muslims from their Muslim parents and also the growth by non Muslims accepting Islam.
Recently the religion has come under fierce attacks due to the fact the some of the terrorists were by their religion Muslims.
Islam on one hand is fastest growing religion, on the other hand it is most less known religion by the believers of the other religions This may also be a cause of the non Muslims turning to become Muslims as soon as they know the real truth about Islam.
This article is n no way an Islamic article and does not intend to convert any non Muslim to Muslim. We will try to just bring a few facts and the history of Islam in this section. The writer (Jamal Panhwar) does not intend to bring any one side of Islam rather will discuss the different thoughts and philosophies of the religion in this section of our web site.
Definition of Islam
The word Islam means "Peace". The Islam is a religion which was brought about in 6th century AD by a noble and well accepted man Mohammad (PBUH) To accept Islam is to accept Allah as only one God and to accept Mohammad (PBUH) as the last messenger of Allah and to accept all prophets who have come in past as true and that there will be a day of Judgment when all men and women will be brought back to life and will be asked for their deeds in their lives.
Definition of Muslim
A person who accepts Islam and submits to one God and believes Mohammad (PBUH) as the last prophet, Quraan as the last Devine book of God, All Divine books as holy, all prophets who came before as true and that all men & women will be gathered on the day of judgment and will have to pass thru the exam of their lives and those who did good deeds will be rewarded with paradise and those who did not do good deeds will be punished with hell.
Chronological History of Islam
Islamic Wallpapers for PC/Laptop
Etiquettes For Seekers of Knowledge
Virtues and importance of 3rd Islamic Month "Rabi Ul Awwal"
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