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Free Email

Below you will find all about email. All for free!
We have telephone numbers, all right. But in addition, we also have a very fast area code look-up, additional area code and country code information, e-mail addresses, website locations, and and more. Be sure to add your company, organization, product, or service to the directory before you leave.

AltaVista Free E-Mail
It's free and it's available through any Web browser. Check out your free email at AltaVista. Wherever you go, anywhere in the world, you can be reached at your iName email address.

ApexMail - Free Web Based Email
ApexMail contains the finest e-mail features on the Internet. These include the E-mail Web interface, POP3, auto-responders, forwarding, blocking, address book, folders manager, message filtering, signatures, preferences, attachments, password control and account statistics.

AT&T Toll-Free Internet Directory
It's designed to help you shop for the things you need and want without ever leaving the comfort of your home or office.
Create a personalised graphical signature for use in email.

Bigfoot Global E-Mail Directory

Bigfoot for Life Permanent E-Mail Address
Sign up for your FREE, LIFETIME e-mail address that will never change right here. Bigfoot will then forward all your e-mail, from your new address (you @ to any e-mail address you designated in your Bigfoot for Life profile.

Big Yellow Pages
Start your Yellow Pages search here. You'll find over 16 million businesses here!

Coollist Makes E-mail Lists Manageable For Free
Coollist is a web-based system that allows users to create FREE mailing lists on the Coollist server. "Whether it's a list of friends to send jokes to, a business mailing list to announce new products, or a moderated discussion group list, Coollist makes it easy to manage e-mail lists,"

E-Mail by PHONE
That's right! You can hear your e-mail through any touch-tone phone! It's ultra convenient! All you need to do is become a College Club Member, which is also free! (College Club is THE fastest growing online college community!)

Email Remover (176 kB) FREEware
An Internet utility that will reduce your frustration having to download unwanted emails over your s..l...o...w... Internet connection. Preview mail headers and delete unwanted mails right away without downloading.

England E-mail
England E-mail is a free web-based e-mail account which allows you to access your e-mail from any computer in the world with a browser.

Send a Free Fax Via E-Mail anywhere in the World.

Four11 Directory Services
Free E-Mail listing

Foxmail for 16 and 32 Bit
Free, Small, Fast with Multiple-Accounts option and more!

FreeForum E-Mail Account
Even if you already have an e-mail account at work or at home, or both, our free web-based e-mail service can be indispensable because you don't need to be at work or at home to use it.

Friendly Email
Quick and easy to use with fun domain names for use, like @, @, and @ Web based mailbox or have e-mail forwarded to current email box.

GoPlay Email!
Sign-up for the world's easiest and fastest web-based email network! It's quick, and it's FREE!

Hot Mail
The World's Only Web-Based Free Email

ID-base - Free Web Mail Service
Get your FREE e-m @ il for life ! Accessible from everywhere. Get as many addresses as you want. Fast connections. No need to install e-mail software.

The most Innovative Directory on the Internet
Accumail Worldwide E-Mail and Business Directory

InfoSpace now offers Personalized Email Addresses Free for Life for first 100,000 users
Your personalized email address can be...
tina @ or dave @
john @ or Hundreds of other choices
AND never change your email address again! Forward Email anywhere!

Interguru's E-Mail Address Conversions
This Free service will convert e-mail address lists between Eudora alias files, Pine address books, Elm address files, Pegasus address files (Europe and USA ) address files (including Compuserve), databases and spreadsheets Compuserve, Spry, ccMial, Microsoft Internet Mail and Netscape address books.

Internet Address Finder
Over 5,000,000 Listings and Growing The Internet Address Finder is
also available in other languages: German, French and Italian

Free Internet E-Mail Service

listTool is a revolutionary free tool that makes the process of subscribing, unsubscribing and sending commands to 584 mailing and discussion lists (in categories such as law, art, music, computers, news, business, humor and more) easy.

Lookout E-Mail Notification Service
Join the Free "Lookout" personal e-mail notification system for special events, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. and you'll automatically be entered into the weekly contest to win their $50 gift certificate

Lycos PeopleFind
All the folks you're looking for -- if they've got listed home phones anywhere in the U.S. -- can be found right here. Just enter the person's name (City and state entry is optional.) You'll receive a list of matching phone numbers and addresses. Happy reunions.

MailCity (The Newest Free E-Mail on the Net)
MailCity provides you with a free web-based e-mail account which allows you to access your secure e-mail from any computer in the world via the Web.

MailExcite (Free E-Mail for Life)
Through any computer connected to the Internet, MailExcite allows users to check e-mail from any computer using any web browser; have one e-mail address for life; and change Internet Service Providers.

An Easy Way to download Your Email From Any Web Browser. No need to change your email address. Access your email from anywhere in the world.

MixMail - Spanish Email
This Spanish email was done specially for Spanish Net users of the World. MixMail is advertisers supported and is free-of-charge to users.

"My Own Email" Free Web Based Email Account
You can choose from over 200 domain names and they do not require a forwarding email address -- Great for helping avoid junk email in your regular account.

the world's first FREE, permanent, portable email service. Your email address will never change again! This service is now offered for Web pages too.

netMessenger EMail Client for Windows 3.1/95/NT Beta (2.2 mb)

FREEminder Email Reminder Service
FREEminder reminds you of important days or recurring events by sending you an email reminder. If you use email on a regular basis, you'll find FREEminder a great replacement for desktop "to-do's" and bits of paper. All requests are confidential and there is no charge for the service.

NetAddress - Free Web-based Email
A new, free, and permanent Email service from USA.NET. NetAddress includes:
+ Message Forwarding
+ Event Reminder
+ Message Storage and Retrieval
+ Filtering/Sorting
+ Retrieval of Email from several different service providers.
+ View Java, sound, animation, and embedded hyperlinks in your Email.

Never Forget Email Reminder Service
Just tell them you personal occasions and how many days in advance you would like to be reminded. All holiday reminders are sent 1 week in advance

PageNet Worldwide Paging Gateway
Use this site to send a message to a PageNet Nationwide alphanumeric subscriber.

Populus - Free Lifetime Email
POPULUS Lifetime E-mail allows you to have a free Permanent E-mail Address! When a message arrives to your POPULUS address, it gets automatically forwarded to which ever E-mail address is currently listed in your POPULUS entry.

PrintShop Live Mail
The Print Shop LiveMail lets you quickly create unique, moving, interactive messages with animation, sounds, exclamations and multiple fonts, and then send them as easily as sending regular email.

Reference.COM lets you search for information in over 16,000 Usenet newsgroups and hundreds of publicly-accessible mailing lists, with more being added every day. You can search for a particular newsgroup or search for a mailing list

Free Reminder Service
2 Remember.Com is a free service that will remind you of any date that is important to you. Your reminder will come to you through e-mail 14 and 7 days prior to the event. You can even have a personal message sent to that person.

Remind U-mail: Your Free On-Line Calendar
You can setup your own webpage calendar and program it to automatically send yourself email to remind you of birthdays, anniversaries or other special events

RocketMail Free Email
RocketMail is a new free web-based e-mail service sponsored by Four11 Corporation. Consumers and businesses can now use RocketMail to access their private e-mail messages from any computer connected to the web. RocketMail is fully integrated with the Four11 directory, which contains more than 11 million e-mail addresses. Sign up for RocketMail today, we'll they'll enter you in a drawing for a RocketMail T-shirt.

SeeMail (Send Your Picture and Voice with Your Email!) Demo
Create and Send video, still, voice, or any combination. No viewer needed to receive--just Windows! Works with any email system that allows attachments.

Free Smiles
These Fun E-Mail Attachments are all original animated gifs free to help make someone else's life a little brighter.

SpammerSlammer for Windows 95 (717 kb) FREEware
SpammerSlammer filters your email and marks spam so that you can read, trash, or reply as you choose. It uses an intelligent decision-making approach, using an updatable listing from the developer's Web site. You can add filter criteria for either subject or address lines to fit your needs.

Spam Hater (595 kb) FREEware
Can't stand the flood of junk e-mail that's taken over your inbox? Spam Hater will track down the senders, no matter how invisible they appear to be in the message header. Then it will send a complaint letter to the spammers.

Spell Check (500 kb) Evaluation Copy
Never send another email message with embarrassing spelling errors again! Originally released in 1993, Spell Check was one of the first spell checkers designed for email messages. Spell Check includes a powerful 120,000 word dictionary and works with over 20 applications including America Online, WinCIM, Eudora Lite and Netscape Navigator. Free E-Mail Service
The Only Internet Service That Can Provide Email Addresses That Include Certain Famous Names, Places & Phrases . The Email Address You Select From StarMail Will Be One That Your Business Associates & Friends Will Not Forget.

Locate anyone in US and Canada for Free White and Yellow Pages listings. Register with Switchboard to personalize your listing for free too!

TranSoft Mail Control Pro E-Mail Client for Win 95/NT (4.0 mb)
This e-mail client provides loads of automated features, such as auto-mail, which dials your ISP, gets your mail, and even answers the messages using your rules.

Virtual Access E-Mail & News Reader (1.5 mb) FREEware
The Virtual Access E-Mail and News reader has a multilingual Spellcheck, Mail and News Threads, Search, and links automatically to the DejaNews Search engine plus many advanced features

VoiceLINK Talking Email Reader for Windows 95 Demo (782 kb)
Email Reader is a wondrous new VoiceLINK product that enables you to call your PC's modem from a standard telephone and have selected email messages read back to you. The program works with most existing email clients (like Eudora and Netscape Mail) and it does not require you to change the way you read mail when you are at your computer.

WhoWhere? is the only free online e-mail directory that lets you search for People and Companies on the Net. Around the world, cousins have been reunited, long-lost friends have been found, and business contacts have been made.

World Email Directory (WED)
WED with estimated access to more than 12.000.000 email addresses and more than 140.000.000 business phone addresses and fax directories worldwide!

World Wide Design Group Free Web Email
Free Email accounts through the Web. Get one for each member of the family and send/receive email with your browser.

ZDNet Mail - FREEware
Free web-based e-mail accessible from any Internet connection - anytime, anywhere! ZDNet Mail gives you easy access, security and a permanent address even if you change ISPs.


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